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Ida-Sofia Koivuniemi

After studying at Columbia College, Finland native Ida-Sofia Koivuniemi transferred to FIDM in Los Angeles, where she majored in Merchandise & Marketing. While in school, she's worked as a marketing intern at Chinese Laundry and a marketing assistant at Factory LA.

Tell us a little about yourself: I was originally born in Finland, and spent the majority of my childhood growing up in Michigan! I came to Los Angeles from a small town, and while it was a huge transition, it has been a very rewarding one. I have gained so much experience here and am thankful every day that I decided to come to FIDM. I am currently in my last quarter of my A.A., and will be continuing on with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management.

How did you hear about FIDM and what made you decide to go here? I originally heard about FIDM through my marketing class in high school. I went to a high school that was very active in DECA, so FIDM was promoted through DECA at my school. My main reason for deciding to come to FIDM was because of their great connections in the industry. They made me feel really confident about my future in the fashion industry and they have not let me down!

Do you have an internship? I am a marketing assistant/intern at FactoryLA, a new retailer/showroom/incubator that opened in Downtown Los Angeles in recent months. We work exclusively with designers who manufacture here in Los Angeles, in hopes to eventually bring more jobs to our wonderful city! Because we are a multi-faceted company, I get to see so many sides of the business. I handle a lot of our social media marketing and any other send outs we create and promote. I also assist with their events. No day is the same—really! It's a great job and I am learning so much and could not work for a better company or boss.

How did you choose your major? My decision on what major to choose was pretty simple. I had been an active member of DECA in high school and it was there that I realized I really had a knack for marketing. Merchandise Marketing was the perfect blend between fashion and marketing for me.

What is your favorite class so far and why? My favorite classes so far have been my trend forecasting classes. They really introduced me to a side of the industry I never truly realized existed... at least in such a big way! They were very eye opening classes and taught me so much about the fashion industry. They were also very fun! All of the projects really brought the class to life.

What are your career goals and how is FIDM helping you get there? My career goal is to eventually become a marketing director or CMO of a fashion company. FIDM has provided me with so many connections to help me get there. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to work and intern during school and gain that experience that is so necessary in the real world. I think FIDM has really taught me to be an outstanding candidate for jobs, and have no doubt that in time I will find the perfect job for me that will lead to my ultimate career goals.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about going to FIDM? If you're serious about wanting a career in fashion, this is the school for you. It's a lot of work, but in a good way. You will love what you do and look forward to hearing what your teachers have to say. And ultimately, you will end up doing what you love for the rest of your life!

Anything else you’d like to share? School is as rewarding and exciting as you make it out to be. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do something that scares you—that's where the magic happens!

Please Note: The information contained herein was confirmed at the time of original publication.

Categories:  Merchandising & Marketing Student